Wednesday, March 25, 2009

so where were we?

oh yes the flat is now fully functionable... well.. reasonably at least... and of course it's magic... the following pictures were taken on a cloudy day... how the heck everything looks so bright beats me!

anyway so here is the living room!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New project!!!

Yes yes yes!

New job, new city, new flat... new life! hmmm

unfortunately this time there are not that many "before and after" pictures.. oh well... I'll load lots of "after" ones once I start decorating!

OK so this is the living roooooom which is basically the main space I 've taken pictures of... and it is "most" of the flat too! takes up about fourty square meters! you can see the kitchen straight up through the door on the right-hand side and the one on the left leads to the bedrooms and the toilet... wanna see that?!

well my dream has finally come true.. i have my very own avocado bathroom!

This is the living room again from another angle

I must take some pictures of the balconies.. there are just too many of them! it's quite funny :oD

Friday, April 18, 2008

Holly crap, I think I'm moving!

right guys... I think this blog is reaching its peak!
the flat is almost ready now, no more excuses I think I should just move...

the wallpaper is up... and it's a funny little mess...

Unfortunately the resolution is not great, so I don't think it would be a good idea that you use it as a wallpaper on your desktops too :oP

ok so the room now looks a bit like this...

oh yeah and the sofas arrived too! Depending on the light they can look like this...

... or this ...

btw they are two different sofas... just in case it wasn't clear enough!

PS. I have my own, personal, ghost that came with the sofas. If you look closely the left hand side picture, and in the right you'll see a round shape... which looks amazingly like a face! Click on it and you'll see!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Before, after and... afterer ???

every process has to go through.. well a process, but different stages always seem quite interesting... well to me at least!

so here is a three stage process of the living room evolving


Oh sweet IKEA how I love thee....

this is the lamp feature in the bedroom.. it looks so good... unlike the picture unfortunately!
oh I can't wait for the wall paper to come in... mostly cause it will mean i can move in properly!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

almost theeeeeeeeeeere!!! Take 2

The next big thing is the bathroom!!

after all the drama and the psychological pressure i have to admit it came out pretty neat!

The shower cubicle is big enough for two people! and the washing machine is the cutest thing ever!

it all fits!

almost theeeeeeere!!!!!!!!!! Take 1

OK so the kitchen is practically finished...and it's sooooooooo nice!!!!

I know you photography freaks will have a lot to say about the two snapshots but I just took two pics with and without the flash!
no matter what you say when you see the kitchen yourselves you'll agree that no picture would do it justice... it's so much nicer when you see it live!

PS all the cabinets including the fridge are covered with a film to pretect them from scratches, the fridge is not blue!